Cairngorm Quartz is the name for Smokey Quartz that is found in the. In all these ways, Smoky Quartz shows its ability to work in darkness to process negative energies and create new positive change. By balancing this energy center, Smoky Quartz offers a sense of stability and security, which explains why it has such a grounding effect on those who use it. Smokey Quartz rates as a 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness which means it will scratch glass. Smoky Quartz also has an affinity to gods representing darkness such as Hecate, Celtic gods such as the Goddess of the Occult and the Dark Moon, Crom, Dubh, and even had ties to the harvest festival of Samhain. It regulates all the other body fluids and appeases fluid confinement. 29.95 Add to cart Smoky Quartz Crystal Meaning The Smoky Quartz crystal stone meaning comes from its connection to the root chakra. This particular Quartz variety forms in masses and crystal structures of all sizes. These inclusions give it its distinctive appearance but also make it less valuable than some other types of quartz crystals. Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Smoky Lemurian Crystals, is a type of Quartz that gets it’s black and/or smoky color from natural radiation (in reference to the proximity of other radioactive minerals) or natural irradiation. It often contains inclusions such as feldspars which are visible when viewed under magnification. It ejects all the toxins from the body and helps to moil adrenal glands properly. Grounding Crystals Pack - Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian and Tigers Eye Crystal Tumble Stones - Ground and Connect with Earth and Nature. The color ranges from light brown to dark gray, black, or almost black. It curbs all the problems relating to kidneys, abdomen, pancreas, reproductive organs, menstrual cramps and fertility issues. Metaphysical Healing Properties Of Rainbow Obsidian, Crystals by rob, sells crystals minerals and gemstones. Smoky Quartz Special Properties, Uses & Benefits

It also espouses creativity and wisdom in oneself. It will bring fortune in your life and will assist you in embracing your goals and makes your dream comes alive. It will sooth your soul and abate your grief and will escort you towards a brighter day ahead. It defeats the your vices like stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other abrogating emotions by revamping them into explicit energies and leads your life with the glory of the victory. It helps to bury all sort of abrogating energies and appeasing the depression. It is an excellent aid when it comes to emotional concern. It inculcates serenity in you and produces a concentring effect on you. It is known for its dexterity to make you realize the notability of equality among all of us and keeps you earthy from within. It possesses a trigonal crystal structure with a hardness of about 7 Mohs. Properties of Smoky Quartz Stone / Crystal Physical Properties of Smoky Quartz Stone / Crystal Smoky Quartz Gemstone Crystal Meaning, Properties & Benefits Smoky Quartz Crystal / Stone Meaning, Properties & Benefits