Mysql command
Mysql command

mysql command

If you get 1, password for myuser is verified as good. If you are not root and want to test myuser only, you can do this: PASSWORDISOK=`mysqladmin -umyuser -pwhateverpassword ping | grep -c "mysqld is alive"`

mysql command

mysql -h host -u user -p < batch-file Basically you use a file containing all of your commands as an input parameter - mysql will execute the contents of that file. ANe"SELECT COUNT(1) Password_is_OK FROM er WHERE user='myuser' AND password=PASSWORD('whateverpassword')"` at 1:33 Add a comment 4 Answers Sorted by: 8 You can run mysql in batch mode, as noted in the documentation. The ALTER TABLE statement is also used to add and drop various constraints on an existing table. You can check from the command line as follows: PASSWORDISOK=`mysql -uroot -p. MySQL ALTER TABLE Statement The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table. mysql> show databases Switch to a database. It's just a place holder for the actual name of the database I'm wanting to import to. mysql> create database databasename List all databases on the sql server. The command should be mysql -u youruser -h yourhost -p databasename < filename.sql where an example would be: mysql -u henry -h localhost -p mydb < filename.sql onteria at 18:45 I'm not using databasename literally. mysql dir/bin/mysql -h hostname -u root -p Create a database on the sql server. If you simply want to check if the password for myuser is whateverpassword, you can do the following: SELECT COUNT(1) Password_is_OK FROM erĪND password=PASSWORD('whateverpassword') Useful Mysql Commands By Aaron Aceves - Decem2875 To login (from unix shell) use -h only if needed. Once you see what 'er' has for your user, you may want to allow or restrict myuser from logggin in one way and not the other. If you see then you can do remote logins only the from 10.20.30.% netblock. Launching mysql with the option -silent: > mysql -u root -p -silent mysql> USE dbname mysql>. If you see then you can do remote logins from any server. If you see and do not see then you can authenticate from within the DB Server again but you must specify the -protocol=tcp from the command line. If you see then you can authenticate from within the DB Server. This will show you the ways in which you are allowed to login as myuser. Here is another query you need to run: SELECT dbuser,password

mysql command

This may give you insight into why you are allowed to login to mysql. CURRENT_USER() reports how you were allowed to authenticate in MySQL.USER() reports how you attempted to authenticate in MySQL.Once you have connected to mysql, you should run the following query: SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER() Answer and Answer should suffice for your question, so +1 for both of them.įor the following, let's assume you are logging in with username myuser

Mysql command